20 August 2013

Star Diary: Get Familiar With DJ Arafat


This young brother from Cote D’Ivoire is best known for three things: His music, His hair and his inability to speak English but he is also known for getting anyone to do music with him, English or not!
DJ Arafat was born on January 26, 1986 in Yopougon, Côte D’Ivoire and then he was simply known as Ange Didier Houon. He was the son of one the country’s super stars, Tina Glamour who took her son to almost every concert there was to watch her perform. Was it a good or bad idea? Well by 2002, that little boy became what his mother could have dreamed he would become.
The journey to his first single in 2003 wasn’t a jolly ride. Yes he was used to the crowd and his mother ripping the stage with stimulating performances but young Didier was very shy and didn’t believe in himself one bit. How he managed to get in the studio to get his most applaud single of all time is what we can’t imagine, but he did it!
The death of his mentor and dear friend Jonathan inspired the young singer to become bold enough to have entered the studio to release his most popular single of all time, “Jonathan”. The massive support and success he got from that single boosted his talent enough for a debut album, “Hommage a Jonathan” in 2003 under the Inno Sita Record label. By then, Ange Didier Houon branded to DJ Arafat and he was the star of the moment.
DJ Arafat -The Brand
From 2003 to 2010, DJ Arafat had grown from a boy to a man, with seven solid albums below his belt and roving 6 record labels. The former disc jockey from Shangai on Princess Street went on an all West African-tour in 2010 where he conquered the continent and imprinted his name and tune unto every nation he visited.
In 2004 however, Arafat’s career suffered a coma. The singer was lost in fame and didn’t know a way forward. His single went viral but he got confused on how to carry on. The singer bounced back using collaborations with different mega stars from Africa like; Molare and DJ Lewis. Since then, DJ Arafat has done more than 20 musical collaborations including his recent works with Nigerian Afro-High-life musician J. Martin.
DJ Arafat & J. Martin (Touching Body Video)
DJ Arafat pioneered a dance called ‘Kpango’ when he worked on his ‘Roi du Kpango’ (King of Kpango) album in 2011/2012 which went viral in Cote D’Ivoire and later French Africa and France. His ‘Gladiator’ LP in 2010 also hit the charts with his single ‘Zropoto’ on top 3 on Trace Urban. It was official, DJ Arafat is back and he is here to stay!
With numerous recognition to his credit, DJ Arafat had his biggest night at the 2012 KORA Awards where he took home Artist of the Year for his persistent contribution to African music. Arafat has grown to have a powerful stage presence and his hyperactive performance and ‘bad boy’ look always leaves his fans begging for more, some literally shedding tears.
DJ Arafat wins 2012 KORA Artist of the Year
In April 2012, DJ Arafat got himself into trouble with the law when he was charged for domestic violence. the singer was alleged to had beaten up his girlfriend and left her seriously injured. he wasn’t jailed but was fined. Arafat however healed quickly and in September, the singer dropped his popular hit track, ‘Kpankaka’ alongside the ‘kpankaka dance steps’ which as usual went though West Africa in just minutes.
Victim of Arafat Violence
DJ Arafat has without doubt outreached the shy-boy for a bold artist who has buried his mind to promote the Coupé-Décalé genre of music from Africa to the rest of the world. He’s called DJ Arafat or Arafat Muana for something and that’s MUSIC!

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